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In-Demand Data Scientist Jobs in 2024

  • By Marc Page
  • Published on March 3

In-Demand Data Scientist Jobs in 2024

Data science jobs are in high demand as technology industries and big data grow. If you're interested in pursuing a career in this field, it's important to know which jobs are currently the most sought-after and how to prepare for them. At A.I Jobs, provides an excellent platform for both job seekers and employers.

Data science jobs are in high demand as technology industries and big data grow. If you're interested in pursuing a career in this field, it's important to know which jobs are currently the most sought-after and how to prepare for them. At A.I. Jobs, we provide an excellent platform for both job seekers and employers.

The data science industry is growing at a rapid pace. Technology, big data, and software are advancing every day and there are plenty of jobs to reflect this demand. According to US News and World Report in 2024, information security analyst, software developer, data scientist, and statisticians ranked among the top jobs in terms of pay and demand.

With more access to data science courses and certificates, anyone who wants to can get a job in data science in 2023. Here is a guide to the most in-demand jobs in data science.

What is data science?

Data science is the study of data. Within the field of data science, which is both a career and academic field, different roles are responsible for preparing, managing, analyzing, and processing data so that it can be used to help companies solve business problems. Data scientists construct questions based on a specific data set and use data analytics and advanced analytics to find patterns, create predictive models, and develop insights that guide decision-making. in-demand data science jobs

Data science jobs are becoming commonplace and necessary for companies across the globe to optimize quality and financial growth. Let’s dive into some of these in-demand roles. All salaries listed below reflect the average total pay in the US as of January 2024 and include base salaries and average additional pay such as bonuses.

Data Scientist

Average annual salary: $152,279 

Data scientists determine the questions their team should be asking. They figure out how to answer those questions with data, often developing predictive models and algorithms to theorize and forecast outcomes.

Data Engineer

Average annual salary: $115,472

Data engineers build systems that can automatically collect, store, manage, and analyze data sets so that other data scientists and mathematicians can spot trends and patterns for interpretation. The systems make data easy to digest so it can help a company or customer. 

Data Architect

Average annual salary: $155,022

Data architects create plans for systems to manage and organize data. A data architect maps out a company’s plan for solving a particular issue and then constructs systems that data scientists use to spot trends and patterns.

Machine learning engineer 

Average annual salary: $151,961

Machine learning engineers design the architecture for artificial intelligence (AI) programs to interact with large data sets. These engineers work with other data scientists and programmers to create AI programs that can detect patterns, filter data, and perform algorithmic calculations. The programs use AI to automate processes that help customers make choices and make their lives easier.

 Business intelligence engineer

Average annual salary: $132,593

Business Intelligence engineer design, install, maintain, and develop data systems that analyze large chunks of data specifically for financial and business purposes. They create interfaces that allow employees to easily access and understand data. BI engineers also work on other systems, such as databased and dashboards, that users interact with to evaluate data across departments.

For many data science jobs, a bachelor's degree in a relevant subject such as IT, computer science, or mathematics is a great start. Some employers like to see a master's degree for senior-level roles. However, if you hold a bachelor's in an unrelated major or don't have a university degree at all, don't fret. There are plenty of online courses and certificates you can take while working another job. Plus, employers these days are much more open to hiring candidates from less conventional backgrounds. If you have the time, you might consider enrolling in a bootcamp. The possibilities are endless.

Earn a certification.

A great way to start pursuing a career in data science is to get certified in specific skills and systems. Data Science certifications can demonstrate your expertise. If you have a specific position in mind, you can usually see a list of the types of systems required in the job description, which can help guide you on what certification is best for your career and interests. Some possible certifications include:

Gain work experience.

Another way to gain relevant work experience is through open-source development. Open-source programs provide access to the software's source code, enabling you to apply your programming knowledge and make changes to improve the software. This is an excellent way to demonstrate your understanding of software applications that people use daily. Additionally, hackathons are great opportunities to test your skills and collaborate with a team on a project. These competitions simulate the teamwork, pressure, and type of work that data science professionals encounter regularly and can provide valuable industry experience for those looking to enter the data science field. A powerful way to increase your chances of being noticed by employers is to create a profile at A.I. Jobs here. Don't wait any longer, take a step towards your dream job today!